Quick Reference

"In a covenanted neighborhood like ours, we are all in this together.
We all want a comfortable, safe, clean and well maintained neighborhood.
It makes us happy, increases our quality of life, and will help maintain our property's value.
More importantly, a great neighborhood provides a strong foundation for our children to grow and thrive.
The board has been voted the caretaker of that desire and commitment but it is every neighbor's responsibility."
Welcome Neighbors
The first and most important document that you should read as a new neighbor is our 
Go to GreatRiverTribbleMill.com
-Home Menu - Welcome Neighbors
-Important Documents - "Welcome Neighbors" - Get Acquainted!
It includes 
-Communications Information
-Board Contact Information
-an overview of our website 
-the Improvement Request process
and much more about our neighborhood.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to us.
Check Your Email
Watch for "Mr. Check Your Email" on the green signboard on the right as you leave the neighborhood. 
He will be there when an email is sent to our neighborhood.
Attend our Board of Directors' Monthly Meetings
To attend the monthly board meeting, go to GreatRiverTribbleMill.com/Upcoming-Events-1/ and register to attend the meeting.
**Due to space and time limitations, you MUST register to attend to observe or present.
You Can Always Be Heard
GRTMBoard@gmail.com - send an email to this address, all of the Board members receive it and will respond to it quickly
- Contact Us (website) - easy way to also contact the board directly from our website
Help From Our Website
-Welcome Information -  for new neighbors with a lot of information about our neighborhood and getting involved
-The Covenants - THE RULES THAT WE ALL MUST FOLLOW. Please read them. If you have any questions, contact the Board.
-Improvement Requests - process for making ALL exterior improvements to your house and property
Web Links to
Great River Links - Gwinnett County - News Outlets - Local Schools - Utility Companies
Consumer Advice - Cities nearby - Georgia Government - Local Sports - Tourism
Clubhouse Information
All of the information about our Clubhouse Rental Procedure, Use Preparation, 
Final Checklist and Deposit Return has been reevaluated and updated.
This information is on our website at GreatRiverTribbleMill.com/Documents/.  
These are some VERY IMPORTANT changes and clarifications.
**Your access card will be your only "key" for the Clubhouse. 
Please make sure that you locate your access card
at least two weeks before your event. 
If you wait until the day before your event, your event may not happen.**
-The maximum number of hosts and guests combined is 70 people.
-There is a curfew of 11pm for all events.
-No one is permitted to stay in the Clubhouse overnight. 
-The pool and pool area are NOT AVAILABLE to Clubhouse guests.
-The Final Checklist and the state of the Clubhouse will be evaluated within three days after the event and 
forwarded to Beacon for full or partial deposit return.
01 Clubhouse Rental Procedure rev 060924 (pdf)
Describes the Clubhouse Process from beginning to end

02 Clubhouse Use Preparation rev 060924 (pdf)
Some things that you may not have thought about for your successful event preparation
03 Clubhouse Final Checklist rev 060924 (pdf) **Required to be completed**
This is the form that the Board uses to evaluate the condition of the clubhouse to decide if you will get your full deposit returned. 
After your event, you will need to complete this form and leave it on the kitchen counter at the Clubhouse. 
There are blank forms in the left kitchen drawer.

         04 Go to GreatRiverTribbleMill.com/Clubhouse-Images/ 
See a description, pictures and dimensions of the clubhouse.
Improvement Requests
Now is the time to spruce up your house, driveway, backyard and fence.
Remember that ALL Changes, Yes All Changes no matter how large or small to the
exterior of your house or property must be approved before the work begins. 
There is a $450 fine and a daily fine for beginning any work before it has been approved.
Please don't get a violation. No one likes sending them and no one likes getting them. 
Get Involved
A very typical situation in most neighborhoods, is that complaints and suggestions are sent down indirect paths and dead ends.
The Great River at Tribble Mill HOA Board of Directors has really tried to give our neighbors as many direct pathways as possible.
If you have questions or suggestions on how our neighborhood can be better, make sure that your voice is heard. 
Here are the best vehicles of communications to use.
- Attend the Monthly Board Meetings (first Thursday of every month) - GreatRiverTribbleMill.com/Upcoming-Events
*Due to our neighborhood size, you must register, on our website, to attend
 - Go to our Website - GreatRiverTribbleMill.com for information and contact.
- Contact the Board through the website - GreatRiverTribbleMill.com/Contact-Us/
*There is also a Send To: "Neighborhood Watch - Confidential" there as well
- Read this monthly newsletter, Time To Catch Up that is emailed to you and is on the website.
-Go to our Social Media pages, as mentioned below, for information and to contact the Board as well.
*They are always listed at the bottom of every correspondence under Reference.
If you do not have a login to our website, GreatRiverTribbleMill.com,
email your name, address, email, and text information to GRTMBoard@gmail.com and request a login.
Your spouse or significant other and your children can have separate logins as well.
Our Covenants
the legal documents that outline the rules and restrictions for our neighborhood 
that we all must follow. They were established when our community was created.
 Read them and ask questions about them so we can all avoid any misunderstandings.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact the Board at GRTMBoard@gmail.com
"Please do not receive a violation notice for not following the Covenants. 
No one likes sending violations, and no one likes getting them."
Don't get Upset about a Violation
We know that many of you think that the board and our management company just love to send out violations. 
That couldn't be any further from the truth. We hate it, but we do have a primary responsibility
to all of our neighbors to fairly and equally uphold our covenants.
1. If you get a violation notice, "Don't freak out and Get Angry!"
Take a look at the violation and see if you feel it is justified.
If you don't feel that it is, send an email to GRTMBoard@gmail.com stating
why you don't think it is and you will be contacted to try to resolve it quickly.
2. If you are having extenuating circumstances, please let us know as well. We want to help.
3. If you think that one of your neighbors is violating the covenants, email us and we will look into it.
Your email will be confidential.
Look Out For Each Other!
It will make our neighborhood a safer and better place to live.
The Great River at Tribble Mill New Neighbor Welcome information, Covenants, Rules and Regulations, Improvement Request Forms, Clubhouse Rental Documents and other important documents and forms are located at GreatRiverTribbleMill.com/Documents/
Other Helpful Information
Go to Helpful Information for links to our social media, Google Maps, Google Calendar, the Weather Channel, Gwinnett County Government Information, local news outlets and newspapers, local public schools, utilities, surrounding cities information, state and federal government information, sports and tourism. There are also direct links on the top of every webpage to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Nextdoor, Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Maps.
 Social Media
Anna Sims
Community Association Manager
Beacon Management Services LLC
Direct 678-871-0005 
Customer Service 404-907-2112 option 1
After Hours Emergency 404-907-2112 option 9